domingo, 29 de julio de 2018

Information security

"Information security"


We will see below a introduccion to the topic in a conceptual map:





Sabemos que es muy importante la seguridad informatica, las cuales ayudan a prevenir varias cosas los hacker, craker, podemos ver que hay leyes que respaltan cada uno de los actos deliberados ya sea de vandalismo,transgresion,y amenaza de seguridad
Imagen relacionada pero...

¿Quisiera saber que piensan acerca del vandalismo y chantaje informatico?

(Dejar su comentario)

Extorted deliberate act

"Extorted deliberate act"

Resultado de imagen para amenaza de seguridad gifs
Hacker or trusted insider steals information and demands compensation for its return.

Extortion is a crime that consists of forcing a person, through the use of violence or intimidation, to make or omit a legal act or legal business with profit motive and with the intention of producing an injury of a patrimonial nature or of the passive subject.

"types of computer extortion"

cybernetic extortion:
Resultado de imagen para amenaza de seguridad gifsHackers take over computers, send rescue notes in local language and users pay for them.

Hackers take over computers, send rescue notes in local language and users pay for them. "It's the new Nigerian scam," say the specialists.

For example: 

Resultado de imagen para gif de extorsion cibernetica
* theft of data files containing customer credit card information...
  *Blocking the personal computer on request of economic rescue.

*Blocking personal accounts
 in different social networks.
computer blackmail
It is a malicious computer program that infects and blocks
 files and computer systems and asks for financial compensatio
in exchange for releasing them. 
Resultado de imagen para ejemplos de vandalismo informatico
For example:
-Hacker accessing a system and damaging or destroying critical
-theft of the database .
-access to credit card.
-theft in advertisements of commercial promotions.